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I still use TrueSpace version 6.6. For this version, or for v7.x Modeler side, are a lot of plugins still available.

If they are not longer available you can download the plugin directly here from my site. Most of these plugins are either given for free by their authors, or in an 'abandonware' state. Abandonware means that they are no longer available for legal purchase since several years and that their authors can't be reached by email.

My intention is not to harm any right ownerships though. So, if you are an author and don't want to see your plugin on this page, just send me a message and i will remove it immediately. If you found a dead link, or you have a plugin found not listed here, also please send a short message.


For a short introduction how you can install and/or deinstall a plugin in trueSpace click here.

If a link will not work, click here and write me a short message - thanks.

129 PlugIns sorted by: PlugIns per Page: Search:

a11 Lock
Name:a11 Lock
Author:Aardwerk Software
Locks current objects in place. You are unable to select any other object.

Download / Link: click here to download
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